一曲《追光》,让广大乐迷再次将 视点聚焦在胡艺影的身上。
这位中国东方歌舞团的著名胡琴 演奏家,在中国国庆长假期间,倾尽 心力,于 2021 年初秋将《追光》横 空出世,惊艳中国乐坛,惊艳世界!
中国民族乐器二胡,向来以悠远、 绵长、绕人心弦的特点著称。但《追 光》却以巧妙、舞动的曲调瞬间吸引 了听众的注意力。快节奏的二胡旋律, 伴着 DJ 风的配乐,为大家呈现出一 连串鲜活的画面,成群结队充满活力 的年轻人怀着对理想、对未来美好的 憧憬,行走在各自的人生轨道上...... 一个个音符连成线、串成串,五光十 色,纵横交错,奔涌在浩瀚的宇宙中, 犹如插上翅膀,展翅翱翔,闪耀着生 命的无限光彩......。
从乐曲《追光》第 28 秒处开始, 胡艺影采用和弦的分解形式进行快速 切换,其演奏技法娴熟,音符如行云 流水般不断涌出 ;乐曲的律动感很强, 张弛有度,你能从中感受到人们对生 活的热爱 ;在疾风骤雨般的节奏中, 可以体会到人们在翩翩热舞。在 2 分 44 秒段落中,通过连绵层叠的乐句, 激情自由地演绎出灵魂的高度,引导 听众对自己人生的思考。三次出现的 快节奏段落,贯穿整个乐曲始终 ;乐 曲氛围大气磅礴,气势恢弘 ;间接段 落中的和缓氛围充满喜乐的神情,荡 涤心灵。
Hu Yiying's new work "Chasing the Light" illuminatesthe international music circles
Author: Hu Zi'ang Translator: Elizabeth He
"Chasing the Light" has drawn massive attention of music fans on Hu Yiying again.
The famous huqin performer from China Oriental Performing Arts Group (a state-owned song and dance troupe) devoted herself to the composition of her work during the national holilays. In the autum of 2021, "Chasing the Light" was realeased, which amazed the Chinese music circles as well as the whole world!
Erhu, a Chinese national musical instrument, has always been famous for its distant, lingering and heart-winding features. However, "Chasing the Light" instantly attracted the audience's attention with its artful and melodic dancing tunes. The quick Erhu rhythm, accompanied by the DJ style soundtrack, presents a series of fresh pictures for the audience - groups of energetic young people running on their own life tracks with their expectations for nice dreams and a better future... The musical notes are connected in lines and strings, with a myriad of varied colors, crisscross and rush into the vast universe, just like inserting wings and flying, shining with the infinite brilliance of life.
Starting from the 28th second of "Chasing the Light", Hu Yiying uses the decomposition form of chord to quickly switch. Her performing skills are so excellent that the musical notes are pouring out like clouds and flowing water. The music has strong rhythm and relaxation, from which you can feel people's love for life. In the stormy rhythm, it can be felt that people are dancing with great enthusiasm. In the paragraph of 2 minutes and 44 seconds, through continuous and cascading phrases, the performer deduces the height of the soul with passion and freedom, leading the audience to think about their own lives. Three fast-paced passages run through the whole music. The atmosphere of the music is magnificent and grand. The gentle atmosphere in the indirect paragraph is full of the spirit of joy and happiness, which helps shape the soul.
注 :胡艺影穿着长翅膀的飞天服饰图片。 犹如插上翅膀,展翅翱翔在天空。
整首曲调活泼欢快,不失灵雅, 像人们在满怀喜悦地庆祝胜利。音乐 激情澎湃,如同疾风剑豪,天地开合, 让人热血沸腾,振奋不已。琴声一声 紧似一声,如高山流水,叮咚作响。 委婉清丽的乐曲如点点甘泉,滋润着 人们的心田。《追光》一经发布,立即 激起强烈的反响,各方好评如潮。
整首乐曲高潮迭起,段落错落有 致,章节跌宕起伏,体现了胡艺影高 山仰止的专业素养和高超的演奏技巧。 闭上眼睛听《追光》,曲调时而高亢, 时而沉稳。高亢时如万马奔腾,歌声 嘹亮,犹如大珠小珠落玉盘,清脆悠扬; 沉稳时若万山红遍,天地祥和。
据记者的一位西人朋友说,他第 一次听到《追光》时,绝不相信这是 出自一个中国音乐家之手,他相信是 精通西洋音乐的西方音乐家谱曲的。
诚然“民族的,才是世界的”。《追 光》之所以能受到中外人士的广泛关 注,除了音乐本身极具艺术感染力之 外,该乐曲由距今一千多年历史的中 国二胡演奏出来,让很多外国朋友惊 诧不已,在他们的认知里,二胡只能 演奏出婉转悠长的幽怨琴音,可《追光》 完全颠覆了他们的认知!
胡艺影是我国著名表演艺术家、 教育家,现任中国乐坛杂志社理事会 副理事长、北大客座教授。同时还担 任 APODC 亚太国际文化艺术节特邀 评委、亚太国际文化艺术风采大赛特 邀评委、世界东方舞大赛暨中外文化 世界巡演特邀评委、中国文化艺术人 才库特邀评委。曾荣登大型国际学术 期刊《中国教育科学》杂志、《中国乐坛》 杂志、《世界华人周刊》杂志封面人物。 胡艺影是一位热爱生活,追求卓越的 音乐家,在作品里倾注了她对生命的 热情。她将中国胡琴的魅力,推向一 个崭新的高度。在美国、加拿大、瑞 士、法国等众多海外公众场所,都能 听到激情澎湃的《追光》乐曲声。
The whole tune the work is lively and cheerful, like people celebrating victory with joy. The music is full of surging passion, just like the opening and closing of heaven and earth, which makes people heated and excited. The sound of Erhu is as close as another, like running water pouring down from lofty mountains and making a Ding-dong sound. The euphemistic and beautiful music, like a little sweet spring, moistens people's hearts. As soon as "Chasing the light" is released, it immediately aroused a strong response, and received highly favorable reviews from all parties.
The musical work has climax one after another, with its paragraphs well scattered, and chapters full of ups and downs, which reflects Hu Yiying's high professional quality and superb performance skills. Close your eyes and listen to "Chasing the Light", you will find the tune is sometimes high pitched and sometimes calm. When it is high, it's like ten thousand horses galloping, singing loud and clear, and like big beads falling on a jade plate, crisp and melodious. When the note is calm, it feels like the mountains are red, and the whole world is peaceful.
According to a Western friend of the reporter, when he first heard "Chasing the Light", he could hardly believe it was written by a Chinese musician. He said he thought it was composed by a western musician proficient in western music. It is true that "of a nation, of the world". The reason why "Chasing the Light" has attracted extensive attention from people at home and abroad is that in addition to the great artistic appeal of the music itself, the music is played by the Chinese Erhu with a history of more than 1000 years, which surprised many foreign friends. In their cognition, the Erhu can only play a gentle and long sad sound. However, "Chasing the Light" completely subverted their perception!
Hu Yiying is currently Vice President of the journal of China Music Circle, a famous performing artist, educator, visiting professor of Peking University, the cover person of China Education Science, a large international academic journal, the cover person of China Music Circle and World Chinese Weekly. In the meantime, she also served as a guest judge of APODC Asia Pacific International Culture and Art Festival, Asia Pacific International Culture and Art Style competition, World Oriental Dance Competition, and Chinese Culture and Art Talent Pool.
Hu Yiying is a musician who loves life and pursues excellence. She poured her passion for life into her works. She pushed the charm of Chinese Huqin to a brand new level.The passionate music of "Chasing the Light" can be heard in the United States, Canada, Switzerland, France and many overseas public places.
胡 艺 影 , 中 国 东 方 歌 舞 团( 国 家 歌 舞 团 ) 著 名 职 业 胡 琴 演 奏 家 、 表 演 艺 术 家 及 教 育 家 , 毕 业 于 中 国 音 乐 学 院 , 深 造 于 美 国 斯 坦 福 大 学 、 安 德 生 商 学 院 、 中 科 大 硕 士 研 究 生 。 中 国 音 乐 家 协 会 会 员、 中 国 民 族 管 弦 乐 学 会 会 员、 胡 艺 影 系中 国 音 乐 家 协 会 二 胡 学 会 会 员, 现 任 中 国 乐 坛 杂 志 理 事 会 副 理 事 长 、 中 国 传 统 文 化 促 进 会 理 事 、 北 大 客 座 教 授 。 胡 艺 影 还 担 任 APODC 亚太国际文化艺术节特邀评委、亚太国际文化艺术风采大赛特邀评委、世界东方舞大赛暨中外文化世界巡演特 邀评委、中国文化艺术人才库特邀评委、国际青少年文化艺术节优秀导师、中国艺术水平等级考试考官、中国民乐学会优 秀指导老师、中国少儿春晚优秀导师、北京民族器乐比赛优秀指导老师、中华慈善救助基金众爱荣誉奖获得者、胡艺影 荣获文化部团委文化志愿者先进个人、首界 ART 杯中国乐器国际大赛二胡专业组优秀表演奖、全国新作歌手展演通俗唱 法金奖。因其在艺术等领域对社会所做出的重大贡献,个人事迹在 1999 年被收编在大型辞书《中外名人辞典》及文旅部 主管、中国艺术研究院主办的国家大型一级期刊《中华英才》等多家报刊及杂志中 ;同时,作为封面人物先后荣登《中国 乐坛》、《中国教育科学》及《世界华人周刊》等杂志。